Variasi Indeks Bias Terhadap Tekanan
ABSTRA CT Interferometer can be utilized to determine inde x refraction a medium. One of interferometer type utilized is michelson interferometer. M ichelson interferometer purpose to observe interference pattern while given by pressure variation . S o inde x refraction a medium get to be known. According to dislocation fri nge with absolute pressure ma de graph with equation y= m x+ c . Where is relationship among dislocation fringe with absolute pressure is comparable reverse. Hereafter equation y= m x+ c is utilized to account inde x refraction . Index refraction of the air as experimentally is 0.98 ± 0.03 . Besides that in experiment we can know index refraction of the air while 1atm is 0.097 ± 0.03. Key word : Michelson Interferometer, Inde x Refraction , Absolute Pressure 1. Pendahuluan Cahaya mempunyai sifat sanggup merambat, media rambatan cahaya bermacam – macam. Media rambat cahaya disebut dengan medium. Kerapatan suatu medium sanggup mempengaruhi...