Bogor Botanical Gardens

Bogor Botanical Gardens or the Bogor Botanical Gardens is a large botanical garden located in the city of Bogor, Indonesia. The extent of 87 acres and has 15,000 species of tree and plant collections. Currently the Bogor Botanical Gardens visited as a tourist, especially on Saturday and Sunday. Around the Bogor Botanical Gardens spread the scientific centers Bogoriense Herbarium, Museum of Zoology Bogor, and REFERENCES.

Collection of trees and plants

corpse flower

One of the main attractions is the Botanical Garden corpse flower (Amorphophalus titanum) as close to bloom time will remove the pungent smell of carrion. These flowers can reach a height of 2m and is the world's  largest compound flower plants. • The oldest palm trees in Southeast Asia are still alive today.
Planting Flower Wreck
 On December 19, 1992, at planting was carrion flower carrion flower species Amorphophalus Becc titanum. (Araceae or interest-talasan taro). Flowers are from estuary Aimat - Jambi, tubers weighing 30 kg. • On February 5, 1994, flower buds appear, later on March 9, 1994 has reached one meter high. Five days later the plant height was increased to 1.5 meters. Because of this, including rare plants, the plant is one of the plants are protected and bred.

Patma Rafflesia

Patma Rafflesia blooms in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. A rare flower that is still closely related (one genus) with arnoldi Rafflesia is blooming for the first time since last 81 years at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This rare flower growing outside their natural habitat (ex situ) on Monday (June 1) night. Patma Rafflesia flower that blooms at the Botanical Garden is the result of research and development since 2004 by taking the host. Tetrastigma a plant (type of grape-angguran) of area of  ​​Pangandaran, West Java.  Patma Rafflesia which blooms at the Botanical Garden Grow and blossom patma Rafflesia is the world's first documented Rafflesia flower grows out of its original habitat (ex situ). Although in 1929 the Botanical Garden has been able to breed believed to three species of Rafflesia,  but are not scientifically documented scientific circles that do not admit it.
Rafflesia blooms patma also be a marker of Indonesia victory over Malaysia in the study of Rafflesia. Given today Malaysia is only capable of Rafflesia grow in their natural habitat (in situ) and Indonesia have been able to cultivate outside its natural habitat (ex situ).
Know patma Rafflesia. Patma Rafflesia, is among the 15 kinds (species), Rafflesia is found in Indonesia. Patma Rafflesia flower has a size between 25-30 cm in diameter. The flowers have five petals rather pale young orange (salmon). What distinguishes the other Rafflesia species, flower color tends to be pale. Another distinctive feature is the presence of spikes contained in diktus.
Patma Rafflesia was first discovered in 1825 on the island of Nusakambangan, Central Java is like other Rafflesia species can not grow your own. Patma Rafflesia grow in the roots and stems of host Tetrastigma lanceolarium and Tetrastigma papillosum.

Collection of Animals
1.       Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) Animals Bawean rare endemic island with a population of between 250-300 tails (2006).
2.   Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). This rare animal population of approximately 7300 head (2004).
3.   A. Javan (Rhinocerus sondaicus). Animals endemic to the island of Java, and only in TN. Ujung Kulon is the rarest animals in the world with a population of only 20-27 individuals.


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