Kingdom And Classification
1. Kingdom monera
A. Characteristic
- Have a single cell
- Koloni Shape
- Several Heterotrof
- Membelah diri / self division
- Procaryotic (don’t has nucleus membrane)
B. Clasification
a. Bacteria
- Have a sing cell
Ex : Rhirobiom, Eschericla coli
b. Cynophyta
- Koloni shape
Ex : Nastoc
2. Kingdom Protista
A. Characteristic
- Is an eukariol organism
- Single celled / unicelluler
- Lives in watery area
- Have nucleus membrane
B. Clasification
a. Protozoa
- Protize like animal
Ex : Rhizopoda -> Amoeba, Entamoeba colli
b. Algae
- Protize like plant
Ex : chlorophyle
3. Kingdom Fungi
A. Characteristic
- Encariot and it hasn’t chlorophyl
- The cell wall compose by chitin
- Heterotrof
- Saprofit / parasit
B. Clasification
a. Basidiomycetes
b. Ascomycetes
c. Deuteromycetes
d. Zygomycetes
4. Kingdom Plantae
A. Characteristic
- Multi seluler
- Hav a cell wall
- Have a membrane cell
- Can’t move actively
- Autrorof
B. Classification
a. Bryophyta -> Tallophyta
(can not be differed between root, stem, and leaf)
b. Ptery Dphyta
- Cormophyta
(can be differed between root, stem, and leaf)
- Live in damp place
Ex : Equisetum debile
C. Spermatophyta
- Produce seeds
· Classification
1. Gymnospermac
2. Angisospermae
5. Kingdom Animals
A. Characteristic
- Multi sellular
- Eucaryotic
- Heterotroph
- Can moving
B. Classification
1. Vertebrata
- Has back bone
Ex :Cat, tiger, lion, horse
2. Invertrebata
- Hasn’t back bone
Ex : Octopus, worm, snail
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